Publicity Activity "IP Street" Launched in Shaanxi Province


On April 20, as the National IP Publicity Week begins, the "IP Street" publicity activity was launched in the economic development zone in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Part of the Shaanxi IP Publicity Week, this activity aims to further promote the positive role that IP plays in innovation and entrepreneurship, so as to assist in the economic and social development of the province.

During the activity, the staff of the Shaanxi Intellectual Property Legal Assistance Center will distribute publicity materials and impart to the public the knowledge of patents, trademarks, geographical indications and other IP-related information via publicity screens, billboards, brochures and other means. IP innovation by the key universities in Shaanxi Province will be displayed and the staff will also provide interpretation on the spot. The activity will last for a week. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
