Online Launching Ceremony of IP Publicity Week 2020 of Hubei Province & Wuhan City Held


On April 20, the online launching ceremony of IP Publicity Week 2020 of Hubei Province & Wuhan City was held in Daijiashan Science and Technology City of Wuhan. Vice-governor of Hubei Province Yang Yunyan attended the launching ceremony and announced the launch of the IP Publicity Week.

Nearing the 20th World IP Day, Hubei province has seen phased results in epidemic prevention and control and is now in the important stage of accelerating the restoration of economic and social order. In combination with the situation of the COVID-19 prevention and control and the actual needs of enterprises for resuming operations, Hubei Intellectual Property Bureau has determined the theme of Hubei's IP Publicity Week events as "Intellectual Property Facilitating Healthy Hubei", with the aim of further strengthening IP publicity and popularization, helping enterprises to resume work and promote innovative development as per the requirements on the epidemic prevention and control and expanding the IP financing channels for them. Through vigorous publicity of IP protection, the events aim to provide continuous and high-quality IP service.

Experts attending the launching ceremony explained "regulating bad-faith trademark applications and implementing the new trademark law" and IP-related policy support for enterprises in Wuhan. Main schedule for Wuhan's IP Publicity Week 2020 was released on site and more than 140 activities will be held during the Publicity Week. According to incomplete statistics, there were over 4,000 online attendees by the end of the site activity. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
