Dalian Launches Its IP Publicity Week Events


On April 20, the launching ceremony of "4.26" IP Publicity Week 2020 of Dalian was held in Dalian Administration for Industry and Commerce (Intellectual Property Office). Deputy Mayor Zhang Zhihong of Dalian attended and announced the opening of the Publicity Week.

Qu Shouwei, Director General of Dalian Administration for Industry and Commerce (Intellectual Property Office), introduced the data statistics on the protection of city-wide valid invention patents, valid trademark registration & geographical indication trademarks and geographical indication products. By the end of 2019, number of valid invention patents of the whole city was 14,897, a year-on-year increase of 14.5%, and the number of valid invention patents per 10,000 heads was 21.28; number of validly registered trademarks was 106,034, a year-on-year increase of 22%; number of geographical indication trademarks was 19 and number of products under geographical indication protection was 4. There were 12 national IP model enterprises and 75 prominent enterprises. Dalian was selected as one of the priority cities for the building of the intellectual property operation service system and obtained RMB 150 million of financial support from the central government. Intellectual property offices of Dalian and Shenzhen were honored as national advanced collectives in enterprise IP work by CNIPA.

Representatives of the Publicity Department of the CPC Dalian Committee and Dalian Municipal Bureau of Press and Publication (Dalian Municipal Copyright Bureau) introduced relevant conditions of copyright registration and protection of Dalian. Representative of Dalian Intermediate People's Court introduced IP judicial protection, institutional and structural reform of IP trial and the construction of diversion mechanism for IP cases, etc. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version) 
