Launching Ceremony of IP Publicity Week 2020 of Liaoning Province & Shenyang City Held


On April 20, the launching ceremony of IP Publicity Week 2020 of Liaoning Province & Shenyang City was held at NETRM. The theme of the Publicity Week this year is “Intellectual Property and Healthy China”. Shi Fengyou, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Liaoning Administration for Market Regulation, Dai Chunyan, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Liaoning Intellectual Property Office, Wu Guochun, Deputy Director of Liaoning Intellectual Property Office, Qu Xiangjun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Shenyang Intellectual Property Office and other leaders and relevant experts attended.

Shi Fengyou gave a speech on behalf of the organizing committee of the Publicity Week. He pointed out that in 2019, with the high attention paid by the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, the IP causes of Liaoning Province saw sound development momentum and the innovation capacity of main market players was continuously enhanced. In 2019, total number of applications for the three categories of patents was 69,732, the number of valid invention patents was 42,282, the number of invention patents per 10,000 heads was 9.70, number of PCT international patent applications was 515, total number of validly registered trademarks was 398,000, and number of newly added geographical indication trademarks was 7, the total number of which reached 128. China (Shenyang) Intellectual Property Protection Center was put into overall operation. Dalian was selected as one of the priority cities for the building of the intellectual property operation service system. Financed amount by intellectual property mortgage reached RMB 6.445 billion. And the first 50 patents winning Liaoning Patent Awards were elected.

During the Publicity Week, a number of side events, including the 1st Liaoning award-giving ceremony for Liaoning Patent Awards, the “4.26” joint law enforcement action and IP publicity activities in enterprises will also be held. In doing so, Liaoning Province aims to promote the IP cultural construction featuring respecting knowledge, encouraging innovation and fostering honesty, shape the good image of Liaoning in IP protection, provide IP service to build a healthy China and thus serve more users, in a bid to create a sound climate for accelerating building China into an IP powerhouse and building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects.

Over 80 people, including leaders of provincial and municipal intellectual property offices and relevant member units of the organizing committee, relevant personnel from administrations for market regulation (intellectual property offices) of various districts and counties (cities), representatives of model and dominant enterprises in IP, as well as winners of senior professional and technical qualifications in economic IP of Liaoning Province, attended the launching ceremony. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
