Qinghai Provincial Intellectual Property Office Making Arrangements on IP Publicity Week Events


Nearing the 20th World IP Day, Qinghai Provincial Intellectual Property Office has launched its IP Publicity Week themed with “Intellectual Property and Healthy China”, in combination with the prevention and control situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

During the Publicity Week, four categories of more than ten online and offline events will be held: to hold the research seminar, hold the press conference on IP protection together with the Higher People’s Court of Qinghai Province, release the White Paper on the Status of IP Protection by Qinghai Courts (2017-2019) to make public the results of IP protection from 2017 to 2019 and hold a symposium on judicial protection of IPRs and cooperation and exchanges in administrative law enforcement; carry out online professional training and make use of the distance education platform of China Intellectual Property Training Center (CIPTC) to organize enterprises, research institutes and universities to take part in basic IP knowledge training; arrange examination of IP-related law enforcement and work with Xining Administration for Market Regulation (Intellectual Property Office) to carry out examination of patent-related law enforcement mainly in the fields of food and drugs; organize media publicity activities and make use of news media, urban LED panels and other media to publicize the performance and highlights of IP work across the province, carry out online prize-giving competitions on IP knowledge, and open a special column for the IP Publicity Week at the official website of Administration for Market Regulation of Qinghai Province, in order to further intensify publicity.

Besides, various prefectural (municipal) administrations for market regulation have also carried out diversified IP publicity activities in campuses and enterprises in combination with their local situations. Efforts of upper and lower levels are integrated to consolidate the foundation for IP publicity and deepen the public’s cognition of IP, thus creating a good social atmosphere of respecting IP.(Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
