IP Publicity Week Events in Jiangsu Province Launched


On April 20, the launching ceremony of IP Publicity Week 2020 of Jiangsu Province and opening ceremony of the New Structure Economics IP Research Institute was held in Nanjing, marking the launch of the IP Publicity Week events. 

The Publicity Week events will last from April 20 to 26. Focusing on the theme “Intellectual Property and Healthy China” determined by the organizing committee of the National IP Publicity Week, events in Jiangsu will highlight the performance of Jiangsu Province in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, manifest its innovation-driven development, centrally publicize the role of IP in building a healthy and innovative Jiangsu and actively promote the IP cultural construction featuring respecting knowledge, encouraging innovation and fostering honesty, in a bid to create a sound climate for winning the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, promoting economic and social development and accelerating building a province strong on IP.

At the press conference, leaders present released the ten typical cases of IP in Jiangsu Province in 2019, introduced relevant policies and measures of how IP plays its role in preventing and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic and resuming work in Jiangsu Province, and published the status of IP protection of Nanjing City in 2019. A provincial writing contest on IP among middle and primary schools and the provincial originality contest on IP public service advertisements will also be held. In addition, the Analysis Report on the Situation of Patents in Health Industry and the cartoon image of Jiangsu IP WeChat Official Account of were also released. At the launching ceremony, the New Structure Economics IP Research Institute and a public service platform for green technology IP of Jiangsu Province were officially opened.

It is learnt that during the Publicity Week, the Intellectual Property Office of Jiangsu Province will also launch the “Campaigns in Middle and North Jiangsu” among IP brand service agencies and carry out joint law enforcement actions at provincial, municipal and county levels, launch IP public service advertisements at outdoor media and open special columns on media to centrally report the latest news about the Publicity Week. Local places will make full use of new media including WeChat, Weibo and Apps in forms of IP Publicity Week launching ceremony, press conference, knowledge contests, speech contests, seminars and IP publicity activities in enterprise to further expand the coverage of the events and enhance public participation.

Over 80 people, including representatives of member units of the IP & Trademark Strategy Implementation Work Leading Group of Jiangsu Province, representatives of member units of the Strong IP City Construction Work Leading Group of Nanjing City, representatives of the Intellectual Property Office of Jiangsu Province, Intellectual Property Office of Nanjing, Jiangbei New Area, New Structure Economics IP Research Institute, as well as news reporters, attended. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
