Chongqing Launches the IP Publicity Week Events


From April 20 to 26, Chongqing will launch the city-wide IP Publicity Week events to strengthen IP publicity.

Events will be held both online and offline, mainly including such five series: hold a news conference: Chongqing Municipal People's Government will hold the "News Conference on the Status of IP Protection of Chongqing in 2019" and publish the White Paper on the Status of IP Protection in Chongqing in 2019; organize an online interview: Intellectual Property Office of Chongqing will organize IP authorities and principals of relevant universities and enterprises for an online interview on "strengthening IP protection to facilitate the development of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle"; hold an online IP knowledge Q&A: push the questions related to trademarks, patents and geographical indications through the WeChat official account to guide the public to participate and enhance their IP awareness; and launch a special column on the IP Publicity Week to centrally report relevant news.

According to the unified arrangements of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, Chongqing Municipal Copyright Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Higher People's Court, Chongqing Customs and other departments as well as various districts and counties will also carry out relevant activities in forms of publicity, consultation and exhibition around the theme of "Intellectual Property and Healthy China" specific to different groups like innovators and the public, in a bid to create a good social atmosphere of respecting and protecting IP. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
