Hongyazi Peanuts


Hongyazi peanuts,  a well-reputed product of Liaoning Province, grow in the  areas under the jurisdiction of Hongyazi Township and other 6 townships. Due to the region's climate and soil, peanuts grown there are packed with nutrients the human body needs. Bright, shiny, and pink, they are crunchy (though not hard) with just the right degree of moisture (though not sticky). The kernels are of a plump, round shape, and they are all basically uniform in size. They have a high oil yield and are thus favored by the market and consumers.

Peanuts have been grown in Hongyazi for centuries. When the Qing government issued its Regulations on Recruiting Farmers in Liaodong in 1653, a large number of people from areas such as Hebei migrated to the northeast, bringing peanuts and their knowledge of cultivation. According to the Xingcheng County Records from 1927, "green beans, red beans, and peanuts are to be planted at the beginning of summer……"; peanuts had by that time become a major source of oil. Once the People's Republic of China was established, the government encouraged local farmers to develop the industry. By the 1990s, the region of towns and townships with Hongyazi as its center had become the largest peanut production, processing, sales, and distribution area in northeastern China. Currently, over 26,600 hectares of land there are devoted to growing peanuts that are sold throughout China as well as to Israel, Russia, Japan, and Europe. (Courtesy of the IP Protection Department of CNIPA)
