Intellectual Property Office of Market Supervision and Administration Office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Will Launch an IP Publicity Week


The Intellectual Property Office of Market Supervision and Administration Office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region recently issued the activity plan during the National IP Publicity Week 2020. It will focus on the theme of "Intellectual Property and Healthy China" and organize a variety of publicity activities based on the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

During the IP Publicity Week, the Intellectual Property Office of Market Supervision and Administration Office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region will explore the publicity means such as websites, WeChat, Microblog and periodicals in the system, and hold the launching ceremonies, publicity and consultation activities and online exhibitions for extensive publicity and popularization of the event in flexible and diverse forms, together with the relevant units in various cities in Ningxia. It will organize various news media in Ningxia to widely publicize the creation, protection, utilization and management of intellectual property rights of key enterprises and institutions, and organize the managers of municipal and (county-level) district-level market supervision and administration bureaus to participate in online training, relying on "the China IP Distance Learning Platform" of China Intellectual Property Training Center of CNIPA and the "micro lecturing" platform of the National Intellectual Property Training (Guangdong) Base (Hengqin International Intellectual Property Transaction Center). Meanwhile, it will carry out special administrative enforcement actions of intellectual property in cooperation with the municipal market supervision and administration departments and relevant units, and organize the teachers and students of primary and secondary schools of intellectual property pilot and demonstration in Ningxia to participate in online training in cooperation with the education departments. In addition, according to the epidemic prevention and control situation, the Intellectual Property Office of Market Supervision and Administration Office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region will hold a large-scale publicity event of the 20th World Intellectual Property Day (if appropriate) in Yinchuan on April 26 in cooperation with the member units of the Joint Meeting of the Intellectual Property Strategic Work Department of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
