Intellectual Property Office of Jiangsu Province Arranging National IP Publicity Week Events


Recently, the Intellectual Property Office of Jiangsu Province released a Circular on Launching Provincial IP Publicity Week Events in 2020 according to a relevant circular of the national events’ organizing committee.

In a bid to create a sound climate for accelerating building a province strong on IP, and focusing on “Intellectual Property and Healthy China”, these events will coordinate promotion of epidemic control of COVID-19 and IP publicity work, spread the Party and state’s decision and deployment on IP, highlight the role of IP in the course of building a healthy China and facilitate IP cultural construction featuring respecting knowledge, encouraging innovation and fostering honesty

During the publicity week, Jiangsu will hold the launch ceremony of its IP publicity week and opening ceremony of the New Structure Economics IP Research Institute, open a public service platform for green technology IP of Jiangsu Province, publish the Report on the State of IP in Comprehensive Health Industry of Jiangsu Province, the white paper State of IP Protection of Nanjing City in 2019 and Ten Typical Cases of IP in Jiangsu Province in 2019, hold the provincial writing contest on IP and the provincial originality contest on IP public service advertisements and launch IP public service advertisements in subways and buses. Web portal of the Intellectual Property Office of Jiangsu Province will open a special column for the publicity week to centrally cover related information.

Local efforts will be integrated with efforts of the Intellectual Property Office of Jiangsu Province to carry out diversified publicity events to create a good social atmosphere of respecting and protecting IP. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
