Nanjiang Yellow Goat


Nanjiang Yellow Goat is produced in Huangjiang County, Sichuan Province. The protection origin environment is the topography of the Dabashan Mountains. Its altitude ranges from 400 meters to 2000 meters. It is distributed in patches of natural vegetation of Baimai root, Shandou root, vetch, miscellaneous shrub and other native plants.

After specific slaughtering and processing procedures such as manual slaughtering, manual peeling and acid drainage, Nanjiang Yellow Goat has shiny muscle, bright red or deep red color, milky white fat and high protein content.

Through the implementation of geographical indications products protection, Nanjiang Yellow Goat has developed into a pillar industry to drive farmers out of poverty and become rich. The country is focusing on building a national supply base for Nanjiang Yellow Goat breeding goat, a production base for characteristic mutton goat and a processing base for mutton products in the western region, and promoting the rapid development of meat goat industry in China. (Courtesy of the IP Protection Department of CNIPA and IP Bureau of Sichuan Province)
