Tianhua Gujian


Source: China IP News

For the inheritance and development of Tianhua Gujian, the government of Taihu County, Anhui Province hired the nationally renowned tea expert Chen Chuan in 1986, to give suggestions on the region of tea varieties and to optimize the traditional tea-making process. And this kind of green tea, whose characters are paddy-like shape, fresh taste, green color, aquamarine tea soup and tender and even leaves, are developed.

Statistically, there are about 7867 hectares tea plantation in Taihu County, with an annual output of Tianhua Gujian of 280 tons, which values 176 million yuan and drives 40,000 tea farmers increased income by 1500 yuan per household. Tianhua Gujian now goes like hot cakes in over 20 provinces, especially in big cities like Shanghai, Nanjing, Hefei and Wuhan. Overseas Chinese also send Tianhua Gujian, which is widely acknowledged, as a present to their international friends.(Courtesy of the IP Protection Department of CNIPA and Anhui IP Office)
