Shenzhen Releases White Paper on Intellectual Property


Source: Xinhua

The city of Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong province released a white paper on intellectual property on April 24.

Domestic patent applications in the city reached 228,608 in 2018, up 29.08 percent year-on-year, according to the white paper on intellectual property in 2018.

A total of 18,081 applications under the patent cooperation treaty (PCT) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), including 5,405 from Chinese technology giant Huawei, were filed in the city last year, accounting for 34.8 percent of the country’s total.

The city investigated 1,224 intellectual property right (IPR) infringement cases in 2018, including 1,082 closed.

"The city will deepen the reform in the field of intellectual property in 2019, with the most stringent protection of intellectual property," said Kuang Bing, head of the city bureau of market supervision and administration.

