Jilin Kicks Off 2019 IPR Publicity Week


Source: China Daily

An opening ceremony for the 2019 Jilin Intellectual Property Rights Publicity Week was held on April 22 in Changchun, capital of Jilin province.

Lv Zhihua, deputy director of the Department of Treaty and Law, China National Intellectual Property Administration, addressed the ceremony. Model schools for primary and middle school IPR education and units on IPR protection were also inaugurated.

Themed on “Enhancing IPR protection and creating top business environment,” the campaign runs from April 20 to 26, and includes IPR forums, a legal rights protection service, policy briefings and IPR promotions on campuses.

As of 2018, Jilin had applied 27,034 patents, a year-on-year increase of 32.2 percent.

This year, the IPR authority will focus on work related to the creation of intellectual property rights, protection, applications, management and services – and among other things offer subsidies for authorized patents, provide funds for companies applying for IP pledge loans and help with patent insurance.
