Heilongjiang Intellectual Property Office holding the Workshop on Building Strong Enterprises in IP Pilot Demonstration Cities


From April 15 to 17, Heilongjiang Intellectual Property Office (IPO) held the Workshop on Building Strong Enterprises in IP Pilot Demonstration Cities in Harbin. Deputy Director Wu Zhong’an of the Office attended and gave a speech.

According to Wu Zhong’an, the number of annual patent applications of enterprises increased from 3,011 in 2010 to 7,812 in 2018 and the number of enterprises applying for patents also increased from more than 400 in 2010 to more than 1,300 in 2018. In 2018, 21 enterprises applied for more than 50 patents, 6 of which applied for more than 100 patents in the whole province. The continuously enhanced IP creation, application, protection and management capacity of enterprises is a support for the economic and social development of Heilongjiang Province as well as the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. He pointed out that building enterprises with IP advantages was an important step that Heilongjiang IPO implemented the Outline of Intellectual Property Strategy of Heilongjiang Province , Implementation Opinions of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province on Building a Powerful Intellectual Property Province under New Conditions and the Intellectual Property Protection and Application Plan of Heilongjiang Province in "13th Five-Year Plan" . It can comprehensively improve the patent creation, application, protection and management capacity of main players of innovation in Heilongjiang Province and effectively promote the building of a powerful intellectual property province.

Wu Zhong' an stressed that enterprises with IP advantages in 2018 should continue to give full play to their advantages, carry out related work and finish the building goals. According to the Program on Building Province-wide Enterprises with IP Advantages in 2018 , emphasis should be laid in three aspects. First, enterprises with IP advantages should pay high attention to the building work and take IP work as the top priority in enhancing their core competitiveness. Second, province-wide IP management departments should firmly establish the service awareness and take their responsibilities to guide related enterprises to finish their tasks with both quality and quantity guaranteed. Third, related departments should strengthen their guidance and supervision on the building work of related enterprises to guarantee the actual effect. Heilongjiang IPO will also provide guidance and service support for the building work of related enterprises in aspects such as legal service, legal right safeguarding and assistance and patent information resources.  (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
