2019 Yunnan IP Publicity Week Activities Launched


On April 20, Information Office of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Administration for Market Regulation and Intellectual Property Office of Yunnan Province jointly held the “Launch Ceremony of the 2019 Yunnan IP Publicity Week Activities and Press Conference”.

At the Conference, Fang Tao, member of the Leading Party Members’ Group of Yunnan Administration for Market Regulation and Director of IPO of Yunnan Province, released the overall performance of Yunnan Province in IP work. Cai Xiangrong, Undersecretary of the Publicity Department of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of Copyrights Administration of Yunnan Province, released the performance of copyright work of Yunnan Province. Lv Zhao, Vice-president of the Higher People’s Court of Yunnan Province, released the status of IP juridical protection in Yunnan. Relevant principal of the Economic Crime Investigation Group under the Department of Public Security of Yunnan Province released the performance of IP-related criminal protection.

The series of activities are aimed to widely spread the achievements made in the IP development history of Yunnan Province, especially the outstanding accomplishments in IP creation, protection and application since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, actively promote IP culture construction with “respecting knowledge, advocating innovation and being in good faith and law-abiding” as the core, so as to create a good environment of public opinions and enhance the IP awareness of the whole society.  (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
