Yancheng Crayfish


Yancheng is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin, with numerous rivers and lakes, dense rivers, fresh water quality, abundant dissolved oxygen and abundant organic matter. It provides unique natural conditions for the reproduction and growth of Procambarus clarkii (commonly known as crayfish).

The scope of Yancheng crayfish protection is the waters in Doulong River Basin, Dafeng, Yancheng. Characterized by its bright red shell, large body, tasty meat and high protein content, Yancheng crayfish is favored by consumers. Through the EU-SINO pilot project of mutual recognition and mutual protection of 10+10 geographical indication products, Yancheng crayfish has been officially registered by the European Union and designated as a special product by Swedish Crayfish Festival.

Since the implementation of the protection of geographical indication products, Yancheng has become the largest crayfish export base in China. Yancheng crayfish is sold to more than 50 countries and regions in Europe and the United States, with an annual export value of more than 50 million US dollars, accounting for 40% of the total processing exports countrywide. (Courtesy of the IP Protection Department of CNIPA)
