Jiangsu Province Launched Law Enforcement Examination on Patent Lawand Provincial Patent Promotion Rules


Recently, the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress held a meeting on debriefing of law enforcement examination, and heard reports of Jiangsu Provincial government and relevant departments on implementation of the Patent Law and Patent Promotion Rules of Jiangsu Province. Xu Zhongzi, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Congress, and Ma Qiulin, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province, were present at the meeting. Zhi Suping, Director of the Intellectual Property Office of Jiangsu Province, attended the meeting. 

On behalf of the government, Ma Qiulin reported on the overall situation of implementation of the Patent Law and the Provincial Patent Promotion Rules from aspects of work deployment, institutional improvement and law popularization, and remarked that the government would take the opportunity of this law enforcement examination of the People’s Congress to promote the capability and competence of patent management and carry out various work in a more effective and fruitful way. 

Xu Zhongzi fully recognized the efforts and achievements of Jiangsu on implementing the Patent Law and the Provincial Patent Promotion Rules, and expressed requirements on the law enforcement examination. According to the deployment of the meeting, Jiangsu Province would concentrate on the law enforcement examination, promote the deep implementation of the Patent Law and the Provincial Patent Promotion Rules, and make new and greater contribution to the building of Jiangsu with “strong economy, rich people, beautiful environment and high degree of social civilization”. 

In recent years, the Intellectual Property Office of Jiangsu Province conscientiously implemented the Patent Law and the Provincial Patent Promotion Rules from eight aspects of publicity and popularization of patent knowledge, overall deployment of patent development, optimization of patent incentive policy, improvement of enterprises’ comprehensive strength of patent, development of IP operation and trading market, strengthening of patent administrative law enforcement, improvement of service quality of patent and innovation of personnel training mode, closely integrated the implementation with outlines of IPR strategy of the nation and the province, ceaselessly strengthened the role of patent system as incentive and protection to innovation, made efforts to improve capacity of the province on patent creation, utilization, protection, management and service, and provided supports to the construction of Jiangsu as a powerful province and high-quality development of economy. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 
