World Intellectual Property Day celebrated in GDD



A special event marking the World Intellectual Property Day took place at Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City in Guangzhou on April 26.

The event was hosted at the office building of the Patent Examination Cooperation Center of the Patent Office in Guangdong (PECCPO-Guangdong). It was jointly organized by the Guangdong Intellectual Property Office, the PECCPO-Guangdong, Guangzhou Intellectual Property Office, and the management committee of Guangzhou Development District, and was attended by officials from government institutions.

Three agreements on the promotion of intellectual property culture, the mediation of intellectual property disputes, and the service center for intellectual property in Guangzhou Development District (GDD) were signed on site. In addition, the first batch of intellectual property service workstations in the GDD was officially initiated.

Intellectual Property Service Park to take shape in Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City

The Guangdong Intellectual Property Office, the PECCPO-Guangdong, Guangzhou Intellectual Property Office, and the management committee of the GDD signed a partnership agreement to build a popularizing-law education center on intellectual property at the office building for the PECCPO-Guangdong, promoting the innovative culture which relies on the idea of intellectual property protection.

Moreover, thirteen key enterprises with strong needs for intellectual property protection were named the "Guangzhou Development District Intellectual Property Service Workstations" by the GDD authorities and the PECCPO-Guangdong. The staff of the PECCPO-Guangdong will provide them with prioritized consultation and application services.

In the future, a trade center, a protection center, and China's first museum for intellectual property will be added to Guangzhou Knowledge City, which is about to become a comprehensive IP service park.

New mechanism for intellectual property disputes mediation

Seven institutions, including PECCPO-Guangdong, Guangzhou intellectual property court, and Huangpu district court, signed the Cooperation Agreement on Intellectual Property Disputes Mediation, providing strong support for rigorous IP protection in the GDD.

The trade service center for intellectual property on artificial intelligence

Another agreement was signed between the GDD authorities, Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment Group, and, a world-leading IP resource-sharing platform located in the district, to co-establish a trade service center for intellectual property on artificial intelligence.

The booming artificial intelligence industry in the GDD will enjoy more professional, intensive, and convenient IP trade services as a result.

Develop GDD into innovation-driven district through IP protection

Authorized by the State Council, the GDD is China's only pilot zone for IP protection reform. The GDD's intellectual property bureau is Guangzhou's only IP management unit at a district level, innovating administrative system on the protection of patents, copyrights, and trademarks. Besides the PECCPO-Guangdong, the Guangdong Intellectual Property Research and Development Center, the China (Guangdong) Intellectual Property Protection Center, Guangzhou intellectual property court, Guangzhou intellectual property arbitration court, and other key IP institutions at a city or provincial level, have been introduced to the GDD and advised to settle there.

With the constant concentration of various IP resources and the improvement of service functions, the GDD aims to become the IP service hub of the entire Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay.
