WIPO recently released its latest research report on global IPR activity, WIPO IP facts and figures 2011. The paper shows that China has made remarkable progress in advancing IPR. China accounted for 78% of total utility model applications, 50% of total industrial design filing and one quarter of all trademark applications globally in 2009.
The figures show that global industrial designs and utility models performed much higher growth rates from 2005 to 2009, which in large part could be attributed to high-volume filings in China. During this period, global invention patent, industrial designs, utility model patent and trademark applications increased by 2.2%, 9.3%, 13.1% and 1.3%, and those granted increased by 6.9%, 9.3%, 12.2% and 6.7% respectively.
The report shows that the top 10 offices received approximately 87% of all the patent applications, with the top 3, the US, Japan and China taking over 60%. China alone accounted for 78% of all utility model applications, followed by Germany and the Republic of Korea. In 2009, China accounted for 50% of industrial design filing activity and the top 20 offices accounted for 87% of all industrial design applications.
In terms of trend in PCT international applications, international applications went backwards in 2009, but rebounded to 164,300 in 2010, slightly higher than that of 2008.
In 2009, one quarter of all trademark applications were filed at the Chinese Trademark Office. When combined with the share held by India, the Republic of Korea and Japan, there four Asian countries piled 37% of the global total with China on the fastest track with 2008-2009 growth rate logged at 20.8%.
(China IP News)