Disgruntled with the ruling by the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB) under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) over registration of ZARA as trademark, the Spain-based Inditex Textile Company brought TRAB to Beijing No.1 Intermediate People's Court recently, which was rejected by the court in its first-instance decision.
Tan Yueqin filed the registration of the trademark in question ZARA in Class 6, Class 29, Class 32 and Class 45, services of metal artwork and pork. TRAB affirmed the registration during the publication period. Inditex then filed the case to the court.
The court held the registration of trademark in question did not injury the trade name right of ZARA, and also did not generate ill impact for public interest and social order. So ordered.
(China IP News)