The theme of this year's World IP Day is designing the future. "Design touches every aspect of human creativity. It shapes the things we appreciate from traditional crafts to consumer electronics; from buildings and bicycles to fashion and furniture. Design has been called 'intelligence made visible'", WIPO Director General Francis Gurry said in his message for the coming IP day.
"This year's World Intellectual Property Day celebrates the role of design in the market-place, in society and in shaping the innovations of the future", said Gurry. He also points out the actively role of design and IP system in environmental protection. "With today's increasing emphasis on ecologically sound living, 'designing out waste' is now an aspiration shared by many creators. Sustainable design processes can help lower production costs and reduce environmental impact. The designs of the future will necessarily be green, and the intellectual property system will encourage designers to produce them, by helping to protect original designs against unauthorized copying and imitation." according to Gurry.
(China IP News)