After vigorous defense, the district court of New Mexico rejected Leviton's request of 337 investigations alleging against General Protecht Group Inc. (Protecht) and four other Chinese companies over infringement of its patent. Protecht tasted the fifth straight victory in oversea patent litigation.
Leviton, one of the leading electrical giant in the U.S., filed for 337 investigation at the International Trade Commission (ITC), alleging infringement of its patent by Protecht and four other Chinese companies on October 4. Then on October 28, Protecht sued Leviton in New Mexico for its breach of their July 2007 settlement agreement and sought damages. The court issued a preliminary injunction and ordered Leviton to withdraw its 337 case and the suspending case in the Northern District of California. Leviton then filed a reverse motion. On the morning of December 2, the court heard the case via teleconference and rejected Leviton's motion.
Leviton and Pass & Seymour brought suit of Protecht to court ,but Protecht won all the five matches.
(China IP News)