First Expo IPR Criminal Case Concluded

Shanghai Pudong District Court concluded the first criminal IPR case relating to Shanghai Expo, a good attempt to concentrate trial of IPR criminal, civil and administrative case under one roof. The one-stop modality is designed by the court for specifically for the Expo.

In June 2008, Shanghai Changzheng Material Company and Shanghai Construction Engineering Company reached a letter of intent on the supply of materials for Shanghai Expo. Since November 2008, Mr. Tan, Manager of Changzheng Material Company, had purchased 8 types of faked galvanized steel pipe significantly below normal market prices, involving 456,000 yuan. The materials were then sold to and used in the Expo garden construction. Later, Mr. Tan surrendered himself to the law and would later be sentenced to two years in prison and 100,000 yuan in penalty. The court penalized his company another 180,000 yuan and seized all faked steel tubes.

(China IP News)
