The case lodged by SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION (SUZUKI), challenging Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB) under SAIC and Chang Ling Group of Changchun Motorcycle Industry Co., Ltd (Chang Ling) for improper registration of trademark was heard by Beijing No.1 Intermediate Court recently.
SUZUKI, in 2009, challenged the disputed mark at TRAB on the ground of trademark and copyright infringement. TRAB took the view that the disputed trademark was still valid for Chang Ling in February this year. Disgruntled with the ruling by TRAB,SUZUKI then sought legal remedy for reversal at the court holding Chang Ling filed the abusive registration of the NO.517268 trademark "长铃" and figure constituted a imitation of "SUZUKI", "S" and figure which would cause confusion among consumers and damages for unfair competition
As of now, the court has not yet rendered a ruling. We will follow the development of the case.
(China IP News)