Chinese Car Maker Wins MG Trademark Case Overseas

The British Supreme Court entered into a first-instance judgment over the trademark dispute between the Nanjing Automobile Corporation (NAC) and MG Sports and Racing Europe on February 19, ordering defendant MG Sports and Racing Europe to revoke the MG trademark and cease using the trademark.

NAC had acquired the rights to the MG trademarks and logos since they bought the assets of the failing MG Rover from administrators in 2006, and revived the car production in 2007.

After found MG trademark used on MG X-Power WR car, NAC filed a trademark infringement against MG Sports and Racing Europe in September 2008.

The British judge ruled Sports and Racing Europe was infringing the marks and rejected argument by the British company that the trademark rights for its car had never been acquired by NAC.

(China IP News)
