Nearly 50% Growth for Software Registrations in 2009

According to China Copyright Protection Center, China's computer software copyright registration continued to maintain rapid growth last year. The total number of copyright registration reached 70,965, up 49.7 %.

In addition, Software copyright registration amounted to 67,912, with an increase of 48.6%; there were 182 registrations of software copyright transfer and license, up 26.38%; 2,752 alteration registrations, up 91.64%; 119 registrations of software copyright pledging, up 9.17%, Tang Zhaozhi, the deputy director of China Copyright Protection Center Tang Zhaozhi said.

The top 5 provinces for software copyright registration were Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu. While in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, Fujian, Sichuan, Hubei and Hunan, with a rate of 30% growth on average, among which, Hunan boosted the sharpest growth of Top 10.

(China IP News)
