Bosch Trademark Registration for Auto Service Denied

The case lodged by Robert Bosch (Bosch) Gmbh, a German corporation, to challenge a decision by the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board(TRAB) under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) was rejected by Beijing No.1 Intermediate Court recently.

Bosch applied for “博世Auto Service” as a registered trademark in March 2004, certified to be used on Class 41, the service of training on automobile insurance assessment. A Hangzhou English School obtained registration of the No.1364827 trademark“博世” and figure thereof on September 21, 1998, certified to be used on Class 41, the service of school (education) training, etc.

TRAB took the view that the word mark “博世Auto Service ”under pending was similar with the No.1364827 trademark“博世”, which would cause confusion among consumers. The court held that the two trademarks are similar marks used in similar services. The decision by TRAB was upheld.

(China IP News)
