According to the latest statistics, SIPO received 64,809 patent e-filings in 2009, accounting for 7% of the total, tripling from 14,288 in 2008.
Patent e-filing system which would be the major way of filing a patent application in the near future, came to life in 2004 SIPO treasured the suggestions from applicants to revise and develop both the ends of client and service provider. Numerous efforts have been done by SIPO to improve the e-filing efficiency, for example, applicant could register by mailing or through the receiving office; administrative office distribute the appellate notice the same as the paper editions after receiving the e-filing application, the patent power of attorney should never have to be provided.
This aims to provide more convenient service for the public by the modern and technological methods, said an official from SIPO.
(China IP News)