Thirteen Patent Strategy Promotion Projects Passed the Review in 2008

Recently, SIPO soft science and patent strategy promotion project leading group held 2008 Patent Strategy Promotion Projects Annual Closing and Review Meeting in Beijing. On the meeting, they gave a series of concluding reviews to some patent strategy promotion projects approved during 2008. Thirteen projects passed the inspection and evaluation. Several fields were covered in this meeting, to name just a few, rail transit, high-grade digitally control technology, smoke and water environment protection, LCD-liquid crystal display, genetically modified rice, photovoltaic, pesticide discovery.

Through patents information analysis system, studies were conducted in related fields' patent information, issues still existed, development trend, key technologies, main competitors and proposals were made. Those projects aimed to raise the IP awareness to a new level and enhance enterprises' IP competitiveness in the international arena. Local government could also learn from those projects when making decisions. For instance, the development and implementation of LCD glass substrate manufacturing's patent strategy, patent strategy study on our genetically modified rice, Liaoning photovoltaic industry's patent strategy study, and etc.

It was learned that some of the projects would be reviewed and concluded on a local level. It's estimated that the whole evaluation work would be ended by April 2010.
