IPR Protection in National Human Rights Action Plan

Authorized by the State Council, State Council Information Office published the National Human Rights Action Plan (2009-2010), explicitly providing that intensifying efforts in the protection of intellectual property rights and punishing all infringements of IPR in accordance with the law to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of IPR holders.  A special fund for cultural development and a special fund for the creation and performance will be established.

In 2009 and 2010, the state will take proactive and effective measures to ensure the economic, social and cultural rights of all members of society.  The action provides for IPR-related measures as follows: intensifying efforts in the protection of intellectual property rights and punishing all infringements of IPR in accordance with the law to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of IPR holders.  A public patent search and service platform will be put in place. Implementing major culture industry projects strategy to expedite the construction of culture industry bases and regional culture industry groups with special characteristics. The growth of key culture industry enterprises and strategic investors will be promoted, encouraging non-public capital to enter culture industries permitted by current policies and promoting the development of private artistic performance troupes. Intermediary culture agencies, such as artistic performance agencies, intangible assets evaluation agencies and information and consultation agencies, will be developed in accordance with the law.

(China IP News)
