Actions, SigmaTel Settle Patent Disputes

Actions Semiconductor has settled all outstanding litigation worldwide with the US MP3 chipmaker SigmaTel, ending their 3 year patent lawsuits in a peaceful manner, the Zhuhai-based corporation told our reporter recently.

Under terms of the settlement agreement, all outstanding claims and counterclaims in the lawsuits in which the two companies have been engaged will be dismissed. Both companies also agreed to not pursue possible third party IP infringements or new legal actions against each other and their respective customers for three years.  Additionally, Actions and SigmaTel entered into a comprehensive cross-license agreement.  "Actions has only less than 10% share in the US market.  After the settlement, the US market is becoming our development priority, "an Actions PR principal told our CIPN reporter.

"Predominantly, market changes sat us down for settlement.  Earlier this year, SigmaTel management invited our executives for settlement,"said the principal. 
