Source: China IP News
In recent years, China's IP protection work has made remarkable achievements and is widely acknowledged by the IP community, thanks to constant improvement of relevant laws, regulations and policy system, enhancement of law enforcement, profound reform in the field of judicial trial,among other advancement.
China's IP protection is highly recognized by the subjects of innovation. In China, the pendency for patents and trademarks has been constantly curtailed, IP protection has been continuously strengthened and social satisfaction score on IP protection is increasing over the years. The pendency for high-value patents was shrunk to 17.3 months and user satisfaction score on patent examination quality reached 84.8 in 2019, comfortably within the satisfaction range. The average pendency for trademarks was cut to 4.5 months, close to the top performer under the same system. Social satisfaction score on IP protection stood at 78.98, soaring by 15.29 points as compared to the first survey in 2012 and hitting a new high again. The efficiency and quality of IP grants is highly spoken of by the innovators.
China's IP protection is highly appreciated by international organizations. Since joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has been actively fulfilling its commitments for IP protection, making full use of IP system's function to inspire innovation and making efforts to improve business environment. WTO's Trade Policy Review: China 2018 appreciated China's IP protection work, revealing that China has taken a slew of measures to enhance IP protection capacity. According to the Global Innovation Index Report (GII) released by another international organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), China climbed to the 14th in 2019 from the 43th in 2010, maintaining the upward momentum four years running. The World Bank's report entitled"Doing Business 2020:Comparing Business Regulation in 190 Economies" scored 77.9 points for China's overall business environment, up 4.26 points from the previous year and putting the country at No.31, a jump of 15 notches. WIPO Director General Francis Gurry sang praises of China's IP protection achievements on several occasions and once said, "So the building of an infrastructure to cope with the demand of a burgeoning economy that is increasingly adding value in terms of knowledge and intangible assets. It's a remarkable thing that we should acknowledge. And It's been extraordinarily well done in my view."