Germany Strong in Field of Research, Innovation

Germany is well positioned in global competition in the field of research and innovation, said a government report on research and innovation on Wednesday.

According to the Research and Innovation 2014 approved by the Federal Cabinet, nearly 600,000 people in Germany are active in the field of research and development.

Between 2005 and 2012, 114,000 new jobs have been created in this area and five of the top 10 research companies in Europe today come from Germany, said the report.

When it comes to exporting research-intensive goods, Germany ranked with a share of around 12 percent behind China, the world leader in trade volume, but ahead of the United States and Japan, according to the report.

In transnational patent applications, Germany is the leader in Europe and the third in the world.

"Germany has become one of the most attractive locations for research and innovation. This strength has made a major contribution to the economic success and high levels of employment in our country," said the German Federal Minister of Education and Research Johanna Wanka.

The report also said, between 2005 and 2012, the number of university graduates has increased from 198,000 to a record high of 310,000.

Meanwhile, the international appeal of the German science system has improved significantly, as some 35,000 scientists of foreign origin were working at German universities in 2012, an increase of about 60 percent over 2006.

"We are very successful in competition for the best ideas and the brightest minds, and we want to maintain these high dynamics," said Vanka.

She also noted that the German government invested in this parliamentary term additionally 9 billion euros (12.3 billion U.S. dollars) in education and research, in order to further develop the High-tech strategy into a comprehensive interagency innovation strategy. 

(Source: Xinhua)
