U.S. Launches Probe into Apple's Alleged Patent Infringement

A U.S. trade panel on Tuesday launched a probe into certain wireless communications devices manufactured by Apple Inc.

after Motorola alleged its patents were infringed.

The products at issue in this investigation are certain Apple iPhones, iPods, iPads, and Apple personal computers, said

the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) in a statement.

Motorola Mobility LLC and two of its overseas subsidiaries filed a complaint last month with USITC, claiming those

Apple products violated section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 by infringing on their patents, and requesting USITC to

issue an exclusion order as well as cease and desist orders against those products.

USITC said that it had identified Apple Inc. of Cupertino, CA as the respondent in this probe, adding that it will

schedule and hold an evidentiary hearing.

The trade agency is scheduled to set a target date for completing the investigation within 45 days after institution of

the probe. If the complaint is approved, it will ban importation of those products.

Section 337 investigations focus on allegations of patent or registered trademark infringement, and also involve

misappropriation of trade secrets, trade dress infringement, passing off, false advertising, and violation of the

antitrust laws.

(Source: Xinhua)
