Jorge Avila, the One Who Advances IPR in Brazil

"I am so glad to come to China and so impressed by the remarkable progress China has made in IPR development. Productive communications and exchanges have been conducted between SIPO and the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in recent years, SIPO has set up a good example for us. I do hope that the two offices will continue to strengthen cooperation and promote IPR development in two nations," said  Jorge Avila, president of INPI in an interview with China IP News at the signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding between SIPO and INPI.

Striving for high quality and efficiency

According to Jorge Avila, INPI is in charge of grant of patents, registration of trademarks, industrial designs, geographical indications and integrated circuits topography. In 2011, INPI received 160,000 applications for trademark, 20,000 for patent, and 17,000 for industrial design. "The number of patent applications has soared in recent years, but patent offices have been unable to keep up, resulting in patent backlogs and lengthy delays. We are planning to increase seven departments in the next few years and the number of patent examiners will increase to 1,000 from 600," said the president.

"Within the framework of realizing the patent information system, and helping boost patent applications and improving quality of granting, INPI will put electronic patent information system in use. INPI has developed electronic trademark system to improve efficiency of trademark licensing; the public can find the latest version of this system on the official website of INPI and they can use this system for trademark filings and pay for the necessary fees on the internet. In so doing, we save up time and human resources and guarantee the quality of authorization and improve the efficiency." 

"Since its establishment, INPI was positioned to stimulate  innovation, enhance quality of patent licensing and promote development of IP undertakings in Brazil. By doing so, Brazil is deemed to see amazing achievements in IPR course," said proud Avila.

Boosting international cooperation

"During this visit, I had the opportunity to visit SIPO, Beijing IP office, Tsinghua University and were impressed by China's latest progress of science and technology and IPR. I was deeply aware that the enhancing of IPR awareness among the public and the improvement of IPR environment were inseparable from Chinese government's efforts. What China has done has set up a good example for us. I am very pleased that the two offices can achieve agreement on the memorandum and future cooperation in economy and IPR."

Mr. Avila not only brings forward the cooperation between SIPO and INPI, he is also the facilitator of the 1st IPR cooperation conference among the BRICS countries to be held in the near future. "I do hope we can get through a memorandum among BRICS countries, which plays an active role in enhancing communication between the colleges and institutes of science and technology, promoting IPR information exchanges, improving corporation cooperation and expanding business scale. I am sure that the BRICS countries will see fast growth in IPR protection and cooperation."

In the international context, INPI has established agreements of technical cooperation and memorandum of understanding with SIPO and other numerous IP offices around the world, such as European Patent Office (EPO), Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Japan Patent Office (JPO). "Communication boosts progress, and cooperation realizes win-win" he told China IP News.

(China IP News)
