Switzerland Remains Global Innovation Champion

Switzerland has led the world in terms of innovation performance for two consecutive years, said a survey issued on Tuesday.

The newest issue of annual Global Innovation Index, which has surveyed 141 countries and regions worldwide, praises Switzerland as a knowledge-based economy with excellent performance in both innovation input and output.

Switzerland also takes the first place in national patent applications by residents, according to the index unveiled by the Geneva-based World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

"The quality of its scientific and research institutions, coupled with numerous scientific and technical publications, good linkages between academia and firms and a skilled labor force stand out," a WIPO statement said.

Little changed among the top 10 performers in the index compared to last year. Switzerland, Sweden and Singapore remain unchanged in top three, followed by Finland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark, China's Hong Kong, Ireland and the United States.

Canada is the only country leaving the top 10 this year, being replaced by Iceland.

The United States continues to be an innovation leader but has experienced shortfalls in areas such as education, human resources and innovation outputs, resulting in a drop in ranking from number seven to 10.

The global innovation index, produced by WIPO and the European Institute of Business Administration, has evolved into a valuable benchmark to evaluate innovation.

(Source: Xinhua)
