European Launch of the EU-China IPR2 Project

The EU-China IPR2 cooperation project enjoyed a successful European launch in Brussels on 17 April. The spacious auditorium at the Residence Palace was well filled as Gérard Giroud, Principal Director for International Affairs at the EPO, and Ewa Synowiec, Director for Intellectual Property at DG Trade, gave an outline of the new cooperation project to representatives of the EPO member states, industry and IP experts from European institutions.

This stakeholder meeting was the first opportunity for industry representatives to provide their input directly to the project activities.

"The joint participation of our member states with their IP authorities, the OHIM and the users of the IP system is a decisive step forward in our cooperation with China. IPR2 makes use of the competence of our member states and the European institutions in all areas of IP protection, not just patents", Gérard Giroud said.

Ms Synowiec underlined the importance of the IPR2 project. "China is a priority country for the European Commission for co-operation in IP," she said. "The new project provides an excellent opportunity for moving towards enforcement at all levels in China."

She acknowledged the EPO's expertise in international cooperation and the long standing relationship between the EC and the EPO in the field of IP.

The project, which was officially launched on 26 November 2007 by EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson and Vice Minister Yu Guangzhou of China's Ministry of Commerce, is building on the success of IPR1 which was implemented by the EPO and which aimed at promoting introducing international IPR standards in China.

A EUR 16 million project, of which 10.85 million are provided by the EU and 5.425 million by China, IPR2 is mainly dedicated to enforcement of IP rights, by providing technical support to and building the capacity of the different levels of Chinese legislative, judicial and administrative authorities.

The aim is to help improve their effectiveness; as well as improving access to information for users and officials, and reinforcing support to right holders.

The stakeholder meeting was followed by a joint press conference which was attended by leading journalists of the press corps in the Brussels International Press Centre. 

