WIPO to Host International Conference on IP and the Creative Industries

The World Intellectual Property Organization's (WIPO) is organizing on October 29 and 30, 2007 at its Geneva headquarters an International Conference on Intellectual Property and the Creative Industries. In a high-level segment on October 29, senior government officials responsible for cultural affairs and intellectual property (IP) will reflect on creativity and its expression within different cultural contexts and policy environments. Throughout the conference, creative artists, academics and creative business representatives will speak on the creative process, factors that underpin the success of creative industries, the sector's significance in contributing to economic and cultural development, and strategies to stimulate and promote creative activities in diverse settings.

A balanced intellectual property system is an essential factor in enabling creators and creative companies –especially those seeking to commercially exploit their creative works (books, film, and music, among others) – to nurture and manage their creativity. Thanks to the use of the IP system (particularly copyright), and the expanded distribution and dissemination of these creative works, the market for these products has significantly expanded.

The WIPO conference will provide an opportunity for the public to examine the role of IP rights in securing the value of the creativity which fuels the creative industries sector. In addition to offering practical insights on the use and protection of the IP system, the conference will seek to contribute to ongoing debates on themes, such as the concept and origins of creativity, creativity and IP in support of development, measurement of creative industries, creative industries in the digital environment, and the business of creativity: innovative business models in the creative industries.

The conference is open to the public and will bring together a wide range of participants including representatives of member states; cultural and IP-related policy makers; creative artists; scholars; creative industries representatives; industry associations; legal representatives; and developers of digital technology.

