U.S. Hosted Seminar on Intellectual Property Protection of China

Recently, a special seminar on “the Intellectual Property Protection of China” was hold in San Francisco, U.S. The topic of this meeting was " Establish and Enhance the Value of Intellectual Property of China”. It’s the first time the U.S. IP specialists gathered for thus a topic. Participators included IP directors from famous corporations, lawyers, specialists and some foreign guests.

Participators said, China’s economy experienced rapid growth in recent years, the continued improvement of the invest environment and the growth of international trades made IP protection a more important issue in China. Meanwhile, the seminar discussed many issues to establish, protect and strengthen the IP value of foreign corporations in China, including the enlargement of IP training for employees, the establishment of a supervise system of the IP protection and the construction of a communication channel with the local governments and others institutes. Participators suggested that the foreign corporations should adopt a more reasonable price on IP products, especially the software and entertainment products.

The seminar recognized that the China Government has taken the IP protection a more important issue and brought in powerful measures on implement. Participators presented opinions and suggestions on China’s IP protection issues, expected that China could have a consummate and efficient system of IP protection.
