Major National Patent Work 2002 (abstract)

Under the new circumstance of accelerating reform and opening up and establishment of modernization, the national patent work will be well prepared in the following 6 fields:

1. Give full play to the role of intellectual property system in promoting science and technology development and innovation and provide service to the economy

1.1 Strengthen the awareness of active service, promote the appropriate combination of patent work and economy and science and technology work

Coordinate with competent departments of economy and science and technology at various levels and provide guidance to intellectual property policies; coordinate with science and technology competent departments, study and formulate policies on the ownership of intellectual property and interests allocation relating to science and technology plans, establish encouragement mechanism, increase the innovation level of national science and technology planned project and enhance the ability of forming self-dependent intellectual property right; pay attention to "Patent Work in Trail City"; provide good patent consultation work to the public.

1.2 Implement "Patent Strategy Promotion Project"

Together with related departments and local governments, initiate the implementation of "Patent Strategy Promotion Project", guide and help inventors to fully utilize patent technology information, properly choose the focus and target of science and technology innovation, cultivate and form the strengths in science and technology and intellectual property.

1.3 Further promote the patent work in enterprises and institutions

Further attention shall be given to "Trial Project for Industrialization of Patented Technologies", "Trial Project for Patent work in Enterprises" and "Model Area of Patent Work", so as to provide guidance to enterprises and institutions on establishment and improvement of intellectual property protection and administration.

2. Further strengthen patent protection and create a sound legal and market environment for promoting national technology innovation and its industrialization.

2.1 Continue to improve patent regulations

Prepare for the formulation of "Regulations on Service Invention" and the revision of "Regulations on Patent Agents".  Under the newly revised patent law, revise or formulate regulations for patent protection or patent administration regulations in local areas.

2.2 Further strengthen patent protection, enhance administrative enforcement

Insist on the model of "Two-channel operating system (judicial and administrative enforcement) with judicial protection guaranteed" for patent protection.  Implement the newly issued "Methods on Patent Administrative Enforcement", concentrate on joint enforcement among different regions, enhance the enforcement of great and key cases concerning collective infringement and repeated infringement.  Establish report mechanism for important cases, pay attention to the registration and administration of patent licensing contract.

2.3 Strengthen the intellectual property protection on integrated circuits layout designs

According to "Regulations for the Protection of Layout Design of Integrated Circuits", establish registration and administrative system for the protection of layout design of integrated circuits, formulate regulations for administrative enforcement accordingly.

3. Efforts to further improve the patent work.

3.1 Practical and effective measures to accelerate the patent examination

These measures include recruitment and training of new examiners, improvement of the efficiency of patent examination, acceleration of the information system, completion of the systems (including electronic filing system, Chinese Patent Management System (CPMS III), system incorporating electronic file system, electronic publication system), updating of the patent examination supporting system and China Patent Documentation Search System.  They will help to provide good technical support for patent examination;

3.2 Establishment of "3 platforms" to facilitate infrastructure construction of patent information system

i. establish "National Network Platform for Patent Information Service", select 2 or 3 sectors across the country to establish patent information database and provide service to the public. 

ii. establish "National Information Platform for Patent Administration".  Facilitate the construction of national patent administrative information system, promote e-office, realize the sharing of national patent administrative information and resources, enhance efficiency of patent management work. 

iii. establish "Intellectual Property Distant Learning Platform".  Utilize public network, strengthen long distance education.

4. Further improve national patent system, enhance the general level of patent work

4.1 Strengthen the patent administrative authorities at various levels

Implement the newly published "Opinions on Strengthening Local Patent Administration", comprehensively enhance the construction of patent administrative authorities, intensify the functions of those patent related departments in terms of the planning and development, policy guidance, administrative enforcement, publication and training, establish the mechanism for comprehensive coordination on intellectual property work.

4.2 Help enterprises and institutions to establish patent administrative system

Encourage enterprises to make good use of the patent system, summarize and publicize the experience of enterprises and institutions on development of patent work, guide and help enterprises and institutions to establish effective patent administrative system and to train working staff.

4.3 Promote the development of patent intermediate service agencies

Improve the supervision and administration system of patent intermediate service agencies, strengthen the organization of patent intermediate service staff, prepare the patent agents'qualification examination.

5. Strengthen the international cooperation and exchange

Study the development and tendency of the international intellectual property system, participate in the formulation of international intellectual property regulations, continue to strengthen the cooperation with WIPO, WTO, UPOV and regional organization on intellectual property protection and national intellectual property offices.

6. Further strengthen the dissemination of intellectual property

Continue the dissemination of the intellectual property including the patent law, the intellectual property rules within WTO, conduct training of the patent law for heads of the enterprises and institutions.

