Chapter I Actively Conduct IP Strategy Formulation and Enhance Independent Innovation Mechanism

June 30, Wu Yi held the first meeting of the leading group for the formulation of the

national intellectual property strategy.


1. Start of the Formulation of the IP strategy 

January 8, the State Council established the leading group for the formulation of the NIPS, with Vice Premier Wu Yi as leader, State Council Deputy Secretary General Xu Shaoshi and heads of the Office, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, National Copyright Administration, State Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Commerce.  The members were from 28 agencies including Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  The secretariat of the leading group was set up in the Office.  On June 30, Wu Yi held the first meeting of the leading group and deployed tasks.  Based on this, the Office established the mechanism for the formulation, finished the preparatory work for the core outline and 20 themes and fully proceeded to the substantive study phase.

2. Vice Premier Wu Yi's Remarks for the Fifth World IP Day

April 26 is the World IP Day, which is gradually noted and participated by the international community.  This indicates the promotion of IP knowledge and increase of IP protection awareness has become an important issue in the modern economic life.

Protect Intellectual Property, We are In Action event-launching ceremony.

Awaiting the arrival of the World IP Day, relevant authorities and local governments have began a series of publicity and education activities, IP Protection Week, Protect Intellectual Property, We Are in Action, TV Show Protect Innovation, Build Future Together, which have significant meanings for the entire society to understand IP knowledge, increase the public's awareness of IP protection and create better social environments.  I wish these activities would encourage the entire society to respect knowledge, envy science, promote independent innovation, expand opening-up and inject new vigor and force into the country's economic and social comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. 

Wu Yi
                        April 12, 2005


January 19, SIPO's meeting for keeping the CPC members advanced.

3. Important Events

1) In-depth activities of keeping CPC members advanced.  From January 19 to late June, the Office carried in-depth activities of keeping CPC member advanced.  All the phases study, mobilize, analyze, comment, reform and rectify were finished and won profound praise from the CPC Central Committee Supervision Group.

2) Party Group Enlarged Attendance Meeting.  From January 26 to 28, the Office held the Party Group Enlarged Attendance Meeting, during which important tasks such as the formulation of National Intellectual Property Strategy, build-up of an IP powerhouse, fulfillment of the major assignments of the Tenth Five-Year Plan and the formulation of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, were deployed.

3) Vice Chairman Jiang Zhenghua's trip to the Office.  On March 17, during his visit to the Office, Vice Chairman Jiang Zhenghua of the National People's Congress Standing Committee listened to the reporting from the Commissioner, took a trip to several patent receiving and examination departments and stated his demands for IP operations.

4) Important progresses made for Examination Guidelines revision.  After the start of the revision of the Examination Guideline in March, a dedicated group was established.  The working plan was devised.  The revision had gone through four drafts with extensive solicitation of opinions.  The final version is due out in March 2006.

5) Start of the third revision of the Patent Law.  In April, the Office started the preliminary study for the third revision of the Patent Law by adopting the principle of open legislation.  Twenty topics related to the Patent Law and its Implementing Regulations were identified by a larger crowd of experts.  Those who won the bidding in a latter phase were authorized to study the topics respectively. 

6) Protect Intellectual Property, We Are in Action, joint media campaign.  On April 26, a joint media campaign, Protect Intellectual Property, We Are in Action, co-sponsored by the Office and the National Office of Rectification and Standardization of Market Economic Order was launched in Beijing.  The joint media delegation inclusive of journalists, patent examiners and IP lawyers would begin their interviews in 28 provinces, regions and municipalities covering 40,000 kms in the next six months.

7) Completion of the formulation of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for IP (opinion-soliciting version).  In April, the State Development and Reform Commission included the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for IP into the State Specific Projects Program.  On December 20, the Office finished the formulation of the opinion-soliciting version and sent out for comments.

8) Progres in the development of patent information search and service platform.  On April 28, the Office submitted to the State Council the request for the development of patent information search and service platform.  Per the order of the State Council leaders, the Office actively coordinated with the State Information Office and the State Development and Reform Commission to identify the procedure of establishing the project, begin drafting the project suggestion paper and initiate search engine testing. 

9) New Commissioner appointed.  On June 16 and 19, the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) and the State Council issued notices respectively, assigning Tian Lipu as Party Group Secretary and Commissioner. 

10) Establishment of the Personnel Department.  On July 5, the Organizational Affairs Office of the CPC approved the establishment of the Personnel Department.  The Office would later clarify the internal structure of the Department and appoint its director general and deputy director general. 

11) Patent office complex project approved.  On August 5, the State Council approved the patent office complex project and designated special fund from the central government budget for the project. 

12) National Meeting of the Heads of IP Offices.  On September 12 and 13, the National Meeting of the Heads of IP Offices was held in Beijing.  The attendants studied the speech of Vice Premier Wu Yi and were encouraged to contribute to the National Intellectual Property Strategy formulation.  Several demands were stated in regard to foreign-related IP affairs. 

13) Special campaign in protecting IP.  The Office coordinated the IP offices around the nation to execute the deployment of the State Council's special campaign in protecting IP and supervise their operations.  In November, as a group leader unit, the Office led No.5 Inspection Group to check the operations in Shanxi and Shanghai. 

14) Completion of drafting and revision of major internal policies.  In mid-November, the Office completed the drafting and revision of the major internal policies by adding 7 new policies and revising 4 ones, involving operation procedure, personnel and education, administration, financial management, foreign affairs and official integrity. 

Foreign-Related Affairs:

Conclusion of Sino-Peru and Sino-Mongolia IP cooperation agreements.  On June 2 and November 28, the Office on behalf of the Chinese Government signed the IP cooperation agreements with the governments of Peru and Mongolia respectively.

Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the cooperation between SIPO and EPO.  From December 4 to 8, the Office and the European Patent Office (EPO) celebrated the 20th anniversary of the cooperation between the two offices.  A memorandum on cooperation for 2006 was signed at the 16th Joint Committee meeting.  A roundtable was held to reminisce the achievements.  EPO President Alain POMPIDOU was met by Zhang Lichang, CPC Polibureau Member and Party Secretary of Tianjin and Lu Yongxiang, Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee.  President POMPIDOU was granted an honorary doctorate at the Peking University and an honorary professorship at the Renmin University. 



