Chapter X Automation

The year of 2005 was a year in evaluating the IT construction of the10th five-year plan and a year for the start of the11th five-year plan.  Several important programs achieved results for the current phase and provided necessary safeguard for the acceleration of examination.

1. Chinese Patent Management System (CPMS III)

During the pilot operation of the system, the Office expanded the mainframe CPU to enable the system speed up to the operational demand.  The system basically ran in a stable status.  Data clearance and program alteration following the implementation of IPC eighth version were also carried out.

2. Upgrade of EPOQUE System

In January, the upgrade of EPOQUE system of the Office was initiated.  In April, the core hardware of the new system was upgraded to IBM Z800.  From October to December, the search software of the system was updated while all the search data was transferred to the disk that effectively increased the operational speed of the system and made technical preparations for the update projects of search data of early 2006.

3. China Patent Information Search and Service Platform

In early May, the Office received the State Council's approval on the request for establishing the China Patent Information Search and Service Platform.  After communication with the National Information Office and the State Development and Reform Commission, the Office confirmed the reporting procedure of the projects.  In July, the Office divided the tasks according to their specific contents.  As of the end of the year, consultation on the China Patent Information Search and Service Platform was started when drafting the project suggestion.  The projections on the establishment of the China Patent Information Search and Service Platform was drafted.  Patent information source and data processing plan was submitted.  The experimental environment for the project was established and testing and eveluation of search engine had been conducted. 
4. E-Filing System

Since its launch on March 12, 2004, the E-Filing System has been running smoothly.    By December, 813 users were registered and 6,775 applications were received.  Among them, 1,313 were for invention, 1,842 for utility model, 3,620 for design and 1,225 prosecution documents

5. Patent Examination Assistant System

Preliminary testing of the Patent Examination Assistant System was completed in September.  The system has been running smoothly and is in the stage of further optimizing and stabilizing.  The project for partial renovation of the system is being carried out.

6. Data Processing

Twelve data processing projects were completed in the year, including indexing of Chinese medicine database, chemical medicine patents database, and Chinese-French medicine patents, design images, coded data transformation of full texts of Chinese patent descriptions, data CD-ROMs and legal status database.

7. Storage Expansion and Construction of Live Backup of Important Systems

The project was started in November 2004 and the system went into trial operation in August 2005.  The current live backup system was in the middle of the two office buildings and was connected by dedicated optical fiber lines.  The completion of the live backup of the working environment provided firm basis for the stability and smooth operation of the office automation systems.  The system was deemed qualified in September.  Based on this, in order to increase the security level of the Office's information resources, the projects of the Office's resource disaster recovery center was started in August 2005.  As of the end of December, the center's computer room was constructed.

8. IT Construction's Eleventh Five-Year Plan

IT Construction's Eleventh Five-Year Plan would guide the Office's IT construction to develop in speedy, stable and sustainable manner.  The preliminary draft of the Office's IT Construction's Eleventh Five-Year Plan was completed in late December.

9. Other Projects

Fee collection system upgrade, Helpdesk, online check of the Chinese patent legal status, Chinese patent search (mixed mode) testing system were conclusively or preliminary approved.  Dedicated optical lines in the urban area were deployed to make stable and swift network connection of the Office's scattered locations in the city.  The network infrastructure of the Office was enhanced.  The Office held the First Plenary Session of the Standardization Committee and initiated seven standardization projects. 

10. International Communication and Cooperation in IT area

Participated in WIPO Standing Committee on Information Technology (SCIT) Meetings.  Organized projects of the SIPO-JPO-KIPO JEGA meeting.  While attending the EPO annual meeting, the two offices signed the two-year contract on the maintenance of EPOQUE search system.  The Office restored the provision of data of Chinese medicine database to the EPO.  Attended the Fareast Forum of the EPO in Vienna.  Conducted study visits on IT construction to the patent offices in Republic of Korea, United States, Japan. 
