Chapter XI Patent Documentation Service and Intellectual Property Publications

1. Patent Documentation Service

Collection and exchanges of patent documentation: the Office collected a total of 1 million full-text patent specifications on 60 CD-Roms of 31 countries and 29 types of patent gazettes from 19 parent agencies and 40 patent search data of 88 countries and international organizations.  The Office obtained the copy of 1960-2005 DWPI Derwent patent search data.  Patent documentation was exchanged with 20 patent agencies.  Upon the request of some national patent offices and international patent organizations, the urgently needed Chinese patent descriptions were sent.  Per the request of the DPRK Invention Office, the Office donated all the Chinese patent English abstracts and full-text descriptions from 1985.  

Collection of non-patent literature: based on the study of non-patent literature and the Office's future developmental goals, plan and scheme on non-patent information resources construction were raised.  During the process, several databases were imported.  In term of foreign databases, there were 3 full-text and 12 abstract databases.  In term of non-patent literature digital resources in Chinese, there were 4 full-text and 1 abstract databases.  In addition, the CNKI was updated.  The data of CNKI, Chemical Abstracts of US and EMBASE of the Netherlands were also updated. 

Patent documentation and information service.  The Office's library was temporarily closed from July due to maintenance.  In an attempt to cater the public need, the Office launched a patent documentation service at the Office's web site in April.  The Office ensured the data update and instructions for the eight patent information centers jointly established by the Office and local administration and continued providing updated service to the users.  The Office also sent officials to Shanghai Silicon IP Information Center, Shandong IP Administration in Jinan, China Oceanic University, Shengli Oil Well and discussed on the specialized databases.  The oceanic patent database of the China Oceanic Information Center was formally launched on December 1.  Over 20 training courses on the use of patent information for 3,000 trainees were held in the nation.  Patent information service upon request was developing in a good trend with the increase in sales revenue of information service.  The service standard and capacity was further improved. 

Report on international intellectual property information.  257,000 words of 52 issues of the Intellectual Property Newsletter, 155,000 words of 83 issues of Intellectual Property Express were published, focusing on the latest development and important events in the international intellectual property field.   The Express was quick, responsive and informative.  Four issues of 110,000 words of special coverage on the Office's counterparts in Japan, US, the Republic of Korea and France and their IP strategies or plans were published. 

Patent documentation research work: The Office actively followed and participated in the IPC reform and revision by making proposalon the classification of biocides  (A01N65/00) and attending the 13th and 14th Session of the IPC Revision Working Group and joining the discussion on the IPC eFroum.  The five issues of the Patent Documentation Research (Quarterly) included a total of around 310,000 words focusing on patent information search. The Development on Classification was published in 11 issues including 240,000 words. 

2. Intellectual Property Publications

In 2005, the Intellectual Property Publishing House published 113,247 patents for inventions, 81,378 patents for utility models, and 80,148 patents for designs, according to law 42,200 PCT international applications.  51,494 applications of patents for invention (368,467 in total) with an increase of 22.3% over 2004 in the total amount. 52 paper issues of the Patent Gazette. 18,658,083 sheets of patent descriptions were copied.   432,170 copies were scanned in the preliminary phase.  33,341 documents in processing were scanned.  383,654 documents were opened and packed.  Collected 233,343 applications (53,877 inventions, 86,772 utility models, 92,694 designs).

In 2005, a total of 299 categories of books were published.  The magazine China Invention and Patent had 12 issues for the year.  Publication on demand had gradually became the House's style.  The China IP Chronology was granted the title of essential chronology of the Chinese chronology resources' full-text database. 
