
Commissioner's Summary

Chapter I Efforts in Improving IP Work

1. National Patent Conference

2. Vice Chairman Lu Yongxiang Led the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the NPC to visit the Office

3. Press conference on Intellectual Property Protection in China 4. IP Protection Publicity Week

5. Important Events

Chapter II Patent Application and Examination

1. Patent Applications 2. Distribution of Patent Applications by Region, Industry and Country

3. Distribution of Patent Applications by Technical Field 4. Patent Examination and Granting

5. Analysis and Forecast on Patent Applications Relating to Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology(continued)

6. Analysis and Forecast on Patent Applications Relating to Network Technology

7. Analysis and Forecast onPatent Applications in Dairy Industry

8. Analysis and Forecast on Patent Application in Photography Area

9. Analysis and Forecast on Patent application in the Field of Coal Water Mixture (CWM)

Chapter III PCT International Applications

1.Receiving and Handling of PCT International Applications 2. PCT International Searching

3. PCT International Preliminary Examination 4. PCT International Applications Entering the Designated and Elected Office

Chapter IV Registration and Publication of Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits

Chapter V Reexamination and Invalidation

1. Requests for Reexamination and Cases Resolved 2. Requests for Invalidation and Cases Resolved

3. Patent Administrative Litigation

Chapter VI Patent Administration

1. The Work in the Model Zones for Implementing the IP System 2. National Patent Industrialization Project

3. Intellectual Property Administration Related to Other Ministries and Commissions

4. Construction of Specialty IP Information Centers 5. Patent Administration on Domestic Markets

6. Construction of Work Mechanism

7. IP Promotion Project for Revitalizing the Northeastern Traditional Industry Base Formally Initiated

8. IP Administrations Providing Assistance to Tibet

Chapter VII Legal Affairs

1. Legislative Affairs 2. Administration of Patent Representation 3. Attention to the Drafting of International Treaty

4. Administrative Reconsideration 5. Relevant Affair

Chapter VIII Patent Administrative Enforcement

Chapter IX Publicity, Training and Academic Activities

1. Publicity 2. Training 3. Activities of the China Intellectual Property Society (CIPS)

Chapter X Automation

1. Chinese Patent Management System (CPMS III) 2. E-Filing System 3. Examination Assistant System

4. E-Document System 5. Search System and Database Construction 6. National Patent Information Service Platform

7. Storage Integration, Storage Expansion and Construction of Live Backup of Important System

8. Other Projects 9. International Communication and Cooperation in IT area

Chapter XI Patent Documentation Service, Intellectual Property Publications and Patent Information Service

1. Patent Documentation Service 2. Intellectual Property Publications and Patent Information Service

Chapter XII International Activities

1. Multilateral Cooperation 2. Bilateral Cooperation 3. Others

Chapter XIII Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR IP Affairs

Chapter XIV Statistics
