Chapter VI Patent Administration

In 2004, SIPO effectively implemented the patent administration and achieved notable results.

1. The Work in the Model Zones for Implementing the IP System

In 2004, the work in the model zones for implementing the IP system was further enhanced with the promotion of the establishment, improvement and implementation of IP system in cities, parks and companies. First, evaluate the developments of various model works, effects and experiences achieved, existing problems, and draft a summary report. Second, based on the previous works, draft and issue the Directions on the Work in the Model Zone for Implementing the IP System. Third, according to the model work scheme and arrangements, continue promoting demonstration, including IP organization infrastructure construction, policy and system construction, specialty database construction and information use, patent strategy research, patent protection, commercialization of patented technologies and promotion of R & D of core technologies. Model Zone work of various types achieved notable results in 2004. The capacity of cities, technology parks, companies and institutes in IP creation, management, implementation and protection was greatly enhanced. Local IP administration was also positively influenced and effectively promoted. In 2004, 15 pilot cities were newly added, rising the total number to 46 by the year's end. Some 80 companies or institutes were chosen as the second group of pilot organizations.

2. National Patent Industrialization Project

New developments were seen in the National Patent Industrialization Project. First, after field studies, four new national patent industrialization pilot bases were established in Ankang of Shannxi, Jilin of Jilin,Wuhan and Yichang of Hubei, adding the total number to 10. Second, based on the reality of the pilot bases and experiences of foreign countries, characteristic pilot schemes were designed. New methods of patent exploitation, commercialization and industrialization were explored. Fine mechanism and platform were established.

3. Intellectual Property Administration Related to Other Ministries and Commissions

In 2004, IP administration of other ministries was further enhanced. First, continued encouraging industries, agencies to devise their IP management policies, for example, the Overall Plan for the Promotion of IP in the State Defense Science and Technology Industry jointly with State Defense Science and Technology Industry Commission, Several Opinions on Enhancing IP Work in Higher-Learning Institute jointly with the Ministry of Education. Second, cooperate with other ministries to conduct patent strategy research, for example, patent strategy research on diary and water saving agriculture jointly with the Ministry of Science and Technology, patent evaluation of the technology scheme on ground transmission system of digital TV jointly with the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Third, the Office was integrated into the State Joint Mechanism of Trade Facilitation through Science and Technology, engaging in trade-related IP affairs and holding a seminar on the same theme. Participated in several State Council inter-agency coordination mechanisms, for example, state inter-ministry mechanism for the protection of biological varieties resources, coordination group for China's implementation of Convention on Biodiversity, State Lead Group for the Rectification and Regulation of Market Economy, state inter-ministry mechanism for verification. Fourth, conducted a survey on ministries'IP administration. Fifth, supported industries and other ministries to organize IP activities, for example, holding training courses, information release conference of patents of important technology fields and seminars. Assisted relevant agencies to solve patent issues met in relevant industry and trade. Through these activities, the SIPO strengthened connections and communications with relevant ministries and industries.

4. Construction of Specialty IP Information Centers

In an effort to meet the need of the development of IP work, the Office continued to promote the establishment of various kinds of specialty IP information centers. Main jobs included the followings. First, summarized and analyzed in time the latest developments of the construction of specialty IP information centers, effectiveness of operation service and existing problems. In consideration of the objectives of the construction of the national patent information service platform, adjust working modes in a timely manner to meet the developmental demands of different regions. Second, direct and support the operational information centers to improve their management mechanisms and upgrade the centers to become data processing branches of the national patent information service platform. Third, intensify communication and coordination between the Office's departments with local administrations, accelerate the construction of the information centers. There are ten such centers established. Fourth, in 2004, four specialty centers were built based on the local need and industry nature, Zhuzhou rail transportation, Tianjin eco-protection, Henan frozen food and Yantai food and alcohol. A total of 18 centers were approved for establishment by the end of the year.

5. Patent Administration on Domestic Markets

In 2004, SIPO received a total of 47 registrations, modifications and cancellations of mortgages on patent rights, among which there were 37 registrations with the mortgage value of around 469.75 million RMB and the debit value of around 445.23 million RMB, 2 modification of mortgage registration, 8 cancellations, 85 registrations of advertisement certificate issuance. Among the above-mentioned registrations, 31 were handled directly by the SIPO, 54 were handled by local patent administrations. A total of 274 patent licensing contracts were recorded, among which 115 were registered directly with SIPO, while 159 were registered at local IP administrations.

Strengthened management of state-level patent exhibitions, formulated SIPO's Administrative Rules for Exhibitions, held exhibitions with local governments and government agencies of the State Council, for example, Dalian Patent Trade Fair, Yangling Agriculture High-tech Trade Fair, Beijing Science and Technology EXPO, Shenzhen High-tech Trade Fair and achieved good effects.

6. Construction of Work Mechanism

In 2004, the IP work mechanism of the nation was further improved. First, the provincial IP administrations were strengthened, for example, Zhejiang and Chongqing administrations upgraded from division level to vice department level, making 25 provincial IP administrations above vice-department level. Second, to meet the need of patent filing and patent administration of local areas, three new patent receiving branches were added in Fuzhou, Hangzhou and Guiyang, increasing the total number to 20.

7. IP Promotion Project for Revitalizing the Northeastern Traditional Industry Base Formally Initiated

Per the requirements of the Several Opinions of CPC Central Committee and State Council on the Strategy of Revitalizing the Northeastern Traditional Industry Base and the overall plan of the state office governing this matter, consider the outline for revitalizing the northeastern area and the development plans of the respective provinces, after coordinating and communicating with the three northeastern provinces, the Office proposed the specific plans and arrangements for strengthening IP administration in the area. In 2004, main activities were training, strategic research and construction of specialty information centers. The popular IP training course for revitalizing the northeastern traditional industry base was attended by 260 heads, administrators, scientists and engineers from IP administrations, large and medium-sized enterprises, high-learning institutes and research institutes.

8. IP Administrations Providing Assistance to Tibet

With a view to work along with the strategy of exploring the west and implementing the spirit of the CPC Central Committee's spirits in supporting Tibet Autonomous Region, the Office intensified the IP activities towards Tibet by organizing IP administrations providing assistance to Tibet. The nearly million yuan capitals and equipments offered from the whole IP system significantly promoted the IP work in Tibet.
