Chapter IX Publicity, Training and Academic Activities

1. Publicity

In 2004, the SIPO conducted in-depth domestic and foreign publicity.

Following the requirements, further strengthening IP publicity, from Vice Premier Wu Yi at the National Patent Conference, the Office intensified the publicity targeting both home and abroad by adopting several new measures.

On the occasion of the fourth World IP Day on April 26, the Office along with nine government agencies including the State Lead Group, initiated an IP protection publicity week with the theme, respect IP and maintain market order. Created a TV program Knowledge Fortune, elaborating trendy IP issues in depth. Established China IP Weekly (English) with the China Daily. In the middle of the year, a delegation of experts led by a deputy commissioner held 26 lectures on IP in over 20 provinces. Following the spirits and requirements of the CPC Central Committee, the Office continued management of news and publication affairs. During the WIPO's 40th Series of Meetings of the Assembly, a group of Chinese children painters and 100 pieces of children's paintings portraying IP were assembled in Geneva Switzerland. In assisting Vice Premier Wu Yi's trip to the 15th session of the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade in the United States, a documentary Intellectual Property Protection in China (Chinese and English) was created. During their visits to France, Italy and the European Patent Office, the commissioners held several lectures to introduce the Chinese IP system to overseas participants from industry, enterprise and law society and demonstrated the resolute stand of the Chinese government in IP protection.

April 19, the opening ceremony of the IP protection publicity week is held in Wangfujing Sqaure, Beijing.

April 23, Heads of the Office, Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and National Copyright Administration are interviewed by CCTV's Today's Focus.

The delegation for the painting exhibition, IP in Children Eyes,
is receiving warm welcome at the WIPO's 40th Series of Meetings of the Assembly.

The activities further enhanced the IP awareness of the public, promoted international society's comment on China with subjective and impartial attitude and from a developmental prospective.

2. Training

1) Public Training

In 2004, according to the 2004 National IP Training Plan, the Office continued intensifying training in the country, holding 10 series of training courses and playing a demonstrative role.

May 25 to 27, the Office holds the Seminar on IP Strategy for heads of local IP administrations.

— The Holding of the sixth IP strategy training course for heads of IP offices, provided a platform for the research and discussion of drafting and implementing IP strategy among provincial and pilot city IP offices, encouraged more ideas of the IP strategy and provided more useful enlightenment for local administrations.

— In an effort to promote training activities and tackle the tutoring issue, a tutor training course for national university IP system was organized with the
Ministry of Education. The participants from all over the country were trained IP knowledge as well as knowing the latest developmental trend of the legislation of IP laws.

— In an effort to promote IP work in companies and entities and enhance the capability and level of mastering and using IP system, the Office continued holding IP training courses of various contents specifically targeting companies and entities. The state-owned large and medium-sized companies and high-tech companies remained as the major training targets with the addition of private companies.

Further expanded channels for training and intensified cooperation with relevant agencies and departments. The Office co-organized with the Ministry of Justice a national distance lecture on IP via satellite. Over 2,000 heads of party and government leaders and heads of companies and entities listened the lecture of Deputy Commissioner Zhang Qin. In coordination with the Ministry of Education, issued the Several Opinions on Stregthening IP Work in Universities, further promoting the IP creation, commercialization, administration and protection and enhancing IP education and training in universities, which were conducive to train all types of IP professionals in a large amount.

The local IP offices actively cooperated with us in training, holding over 50 SIPO training courses of different types and levels. The training courses were mainly targeting party and government leaders, managers and researchers of companies and entities. The training in theory and practice such as IP laws and IP strategy further elevated the participants?awareness of IP protection and promoted the increase of companies? core competitiveness. Large-scale of and multiple types of training courses strongly promoted national IP work.

2) Training within the Office

In 2004, a series of training in examination, foreign languages, laws, knowledge update and policymaking were conducted for the SIPO officials.

In 2004, the third year of recruiting examiners by a large number, the Office had 237 newcomers who were divided into two groups to undergo a 36-week training course. The course covered the patent law and its implementing regulation, fundamentals of invention patent, search.

Based on the textbook the Basic Course of Substantive Examination of Invention Patent (trial version), the Office initiated the revision. The Education Outline of Patent Talents was also started.

Held different types of training courses for knowledge updating on actual demand. Sent examiners to attend academic meetings for understanding of the latest developments in their respective fields. Sent new examiners to manufacturing site for the acquisition of the first-handed information. Sent examiners to field studies around the country to understand IP protection, in particular patent protection and publicize IP knowledge. Encouraged examiners to attend on-job training, diploma studies and sponsored partially to those who obtained diplomas.

Held two series of training courses for division directors and helped their role changes from specialists to managers. Gave orientation courses for directors, deputy directors and assistants to director newly appointed in 2004.

In 2004, training in laws were also continued for the staff, focusing the administrative law theory of Deng Xiaoping and IP laws including the patent law and other relevant legal knowledge. Organized the Office staff to study the Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China, further elevating the staff and civil servants?legal awareness, legal mindset and enforcement capability.

Formulated the Administration Rules for the Training Courses of Foreign Languages based on actual need. The Office held 21 foreign languages training courses in 2004, training 656 people, cooperated with universities and research institutes in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan and Germany, and sent talents to study IP laws abroad.

Held second SIPO-EPO training course for new examiners, training patent examiners from China, Malaysia, Laos, Thailand and DPRK.

3) Training Activities of China Intellectual Property Training Center (CIPTC)

In 2004, CIPTC finished 35 training courses of all kinds with nearly 7,000 participants with 30 regular courses, 3,000 trainees and 4,000 in distance learning. The targeted trainees were mainly officials, heads of companies and entities of key technology fields, engineers. Courses covered patent strategy in key technological areas and IP protection in high-tech areas and application of patent documentation in technological innovation in companies, inviting officials, experts, scholars and IP managers from SIPO, TMO of SAIC, NCA, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and large companies.

In regard to the education and training of high-level IP professionals, the training center co-organized the fifth graduate course of civil and commercial laws, which was attended by 80 trainees from SIPO, TMO of SAIC, courts of law and IP agencies.

IP training targeting county directors educated 2,500 officials from 31 provinces.

In 2004, CIPTC held the second international IP training course, continued cooperation with the John Marshall Law School of the United States (JMLS), organized pre-semester training for a new group of officials bound to JMLS, continued cooperation with the International IP Training Institute (IIPTI) of the Republic of Korea considering further interactions. The training center continued management of distance learning program in Chinese of the WIPO Worldwide Academy, with the attendance of 1,061 people for the 2004 third program. CIPTC received a total of over 100 visitors from the EPO, African Regional Industrial Property Organization (ARIPO), the United States, Australia, Japan, the Republic of Korea.

CIPTC established its own IP distance training platform with the opening of four lessons in two series, IP Law Basics, Patent Documentation Information and Search, International Cooperation of IP and Copyright, attracting 2,821 registrations including 639 students from 4 universities.

In 2004,the construction of the second phase of the lecture hall was completed which would further improve the training conditions of the center.

3. Activities of the China Intellectual Property Society (CIPS)

In 2004, 18 series of patent filing and examination lectures were held, with the attendance of 800 people. The training course involved general information of PCT, international application procedure, document-drafting from the prospective of reexamination and invalidation procedures.

In 2004, several expert witness opinions (judiciary) were finished. The courts accepted all the opinions offered.

On March 26, November 26 to 27, CIPS organized the training on practices of technology identification in IP infringements. 300 people from some provincial IP administrations and departments attended two training courses.

In April, in celebrating the April 26 World IP Day,CIPS and the China Trademark Society, China Copyright Society, successfully held the high-level forum on IP protection of Chinese and foreign companies.

From May 19 to 22, the Fourth National Conference of the CIPS and 2004 Annual Academic Meeting was held in Beijing. The fourth board was elected with Yang Zhengwu as chair and Zhao Chunshan as Secretary General.

In July 27, CIPS held the First Standing Committee Meeting of the Fourth Conference.

From September 23 to 28, CIPS and the Hunan IP Society held the China Annual IP Strategy and Practice Summit in Zhangjiajie, Hunan.

Fourth National Congress of China Intellectual Property Society and 2004 Annual Academic Conference.

On October 15, CIPS entertained the visit of the Intellectual Property Owners (IPO) of the US and organized an interaction with two famous Chinese professors.

On December 15, the Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the CIPS and 2005 New Year Collective Greetings was held in Beijing. SIPO Commissioner Wang Jingchuan attended and spoke. Chair Yang Zhengwu delivered a speech. Other keynote speakers were SAIC Deputy Commissioner Li Dongsheng and NCA Consultant Shen Rengan.

In 2004, CIPS published the journal Intellectual Property (bi-monthly), six issues per year with one supplementary.
