Commissioner's Summary

The year 2003 was an opening year for comprehensively constructing a society that people live well off lives. The SIPO staff seriously studied the Three Represents Theory and the spirits of the Sixteenth CPC Congress and implemented all kinds of work with enthusiasm and creativity, elevating the works of the office to a new step and achieving new scores and new experiences

-- Collaborate to Fight SARS. In the war of fighting SARS, the SIPO opened a green tunnel for receiving SARS-treat-ment-related patent applications, examining the applications at the maximum speed and facilitating the technologies'swift entry into market. The SIPO designed a patent documentation database serving the fight at SARS, providing an important information support for the Chinese science workers to avoid infringing others'patents and develop proprietary IPRs in fighting SARS based on fully understanding prior arts.

-- Continue improving IPR legal constructions. Formulate the Regulation on Affixing of Patent Marking and Patent Number, the Measures on Compulsory Licensing of Patents and Measures on Patent Agency Administration. Propose the legislation of Regulation on Service Technological Innovation to the State Council who listed it into the 2003 legislation. Start the revision of Patent Agency Regulation.

--The amount of patent applications received and patents granted had been growing significantly. In 2003, SIPO received 308,487 patent applications, showing an increase of 55,856 or 22.1% as compared with the applications received the previous year. Among the applications, 251,238 were from home, a 22.2% increase over the previous year. Domestic applications of patents for inventions were 56,769, a 42.6% increase. Patent applications of service inventions increased 26.1% over the previous year. Patent grant speed continued going faster. A total of 182,226 patents were granted, a 37.6% increase. The total number of 64,469 invention patents was resolved, a 66.3% increase. The total number of requests for patent reexamination and invalidation was 3,626 while 2,852 cases were resolved. SIPO received a total of 193 applications for registration of integrated circuit layout designs, and 204 were published and issued certificates.

-- IP administration was further enhanced. The Zhongguancun National Model Zone for Implementing the IP System was launched. Improving the IP information construction of Yangling Agricultural Intellectual Property Information Center. Promoting relavant trades and departments, such as the Ministry of Construction, to formulate the IP Administration Regulations; Cooperating with the Ministry of Science and Technology to carry out research on IP strategies in milk industry and water-saving agriculture, guiding and helping trades and departments to carry out patent strategic research, for example, the State Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense carried out research on IP policies and strategies in related fields according to the developing needs of trades. Joining the series of activities of the State Foreign Economic and Trade Coordination Group and improving foreign economic and trade capability of Chinese enterprises. Taking part in the coordination mechanism established by the Ministry of Commerce and the State Environmental Protection Administration to coordinate on those problems related to patent. Further implement the four patent trial works and achieve new results and gain new experiences.

-- The strategic study of IPR made great progresses. Since the implementation of the patent strategic promotion project in 2001, many areas and industries had responded with enthusiasm. In order to lead this work to the depth actively, smoothly and firmly, the SIPO issued a Directing Opinion on Patent Strategic Promotion Project in 2003. The SIPO selected over 20 projects to study and put into trial operation from September 2002. Presently, the first group of projects has been completed. These periodical study results played an active role in helping make decisions.

-- Further strengthen patent administrative enforcement. According to the spirits of the Conference and State Regulation Working Plan, the SIPO established the Market Order Regulation Leading Group and made an according working plan. Earlier of the year, the SIPO issued a notice on further improving raiding IPR counterfeiting. During the SARS outbreak, the SIPO issued the Notice on Strengthening IPR Protection during the Period of Fighting SARS. All local IP offices seriously implemented the above notices, raiding IPR violations and the manufacturing, sales of infringing and counterfeiting goods.

-- Smooth implementation of SIPO's information construction plan as scheduled. Some new projects had gone into operation. Chinese Patent Management System (CPMS) III started testing and trail operation. The testing environment within the SIPO had been set up. Study carefully of the users of the National Patent Information Service Platform and draft a study report and preliminary plan for the construction of the platform. Start and finish bidding of National Patent Information Administration System. Enhance Intranet administration and integration. Formulate the Administration of Intranet Sites. Upgrade EPOQUE search system jointly with EPO engineers. Finish eight programs of the standardization work. Actively participate in WIPO SCIT meetings on international standardization. Conduct international communication and cooperation related to information construction.

-- Continue offering patent documentation service to the public. Provide specialized database and analyze patent information for local companies. About 12,000 readers and users came to the library to consult, search and read. Finish installation of Petrochemical Patent Database for Lanzhou Petro China and Changchun Pharmacy Patent Database and update data for Wuhan light valley and Xi'an Yangling. During the SARS outbreak, for the purpose of making full use of patent documentation and information source in the library and promoting technological innovation, SIPO make full use of electronic and Internet means to receive and send documentation. IPR publication also made new progresses.

-- Explore new chapters for IPR international cooperation. Abiding the state diplomatic policies and the requirements for IPR international cooperation to serve the overall plan of the party and the state, SIPO further strengthened the work of comprehensively coordinating foreign-related IPR affairs, actively explore bilateral and multilateral cooperation and communication, actively participated in the adjustment and reform process of the international IP system and worked hard to create a healthy external environment for the development of IP undertaking.

-- Connect closely with the central plan of the party and the state, further develope IPR publicity and training. 
-- Improve and strengthen the construction of the party and intensify the construction of spiritual civilization. Highly promote integrity construction. Working habits and spirits of the staff of all levels was further improved. The Office was more consolidated.

-- Logistics support had been enhanced with the improvement of service. A new office building was constructed and went into operation. Patent examination departments moved into the new building. Office space was improved for newly recruited examiners as well as working environment.

At the end of the day, the past year was an encouraging year, a year we may take pride in.

The year 2004 is a crucial year for comprehensively implementing the spirits of the Sixteenth CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Congress, a crucial year for accomplishing the Tenth Five Year Plan and a crucial year for expanding opening, promoting development. Completing the task of 2004 successfully will have a significant meaning for maintaining the healthy trend of the country's economic development.

In the New Year, let us collaborate more closely around the CPC Central Committee led by Comrade Hu Jintao, hoist the theory of Deng Xiaoping and the grand flag of the important ideology of the Three Represents, under the guidance of the spirits of the Sixteenth Congress, working together, exploring with great efforts, moving forward firmly, keeping up the pace of the development and continuing opening new chapters for IPR work. 


                                                                                             Wang Jingchuan 
