
Commissioner's Summary

Chapter I     Strengthening Cooperation in the IP Field and Creating a Positive and Hopeful Future Together

1. Positively Creating an Environment to Encourage Intellectual Innovation and Protect IPRs, and Promoting Scientific and Technological Progress and Economic Development of the World - Vice Premier Wen Jiabao attended the Opening Ceremony of the Sino-African Intellectual Property Forum and Delivered a Speech.
2. The Second Creativity and Invention Forum
3. The National Meeting of Directors from Local Intellectual Property Administrations
4. ENCOURAGING INNOVATION - to Celebrate April 26, World Intellectual Property Day, the SIPO Organized a Series of Activities to pay tribute to the event.
5. Other Major Events

Chapter II    Patent Applications, Examination and Authorization

1.  The General Situation of Patent Applications
2. The Distribution of Patent Applications according to Areas, Industries and Nationalities
3. The Distribution of Patent Applications in All Technological Fields
4. Patent Examination and Authorization
5. Analysis and Forecast on Vehicle Automatic Transmission Control Technology
6. Analysis and Prospect on Patent Applications Related to Mobile Communication
7. Analysis and Prediction about the Situation of Patent Application in the Field of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
8. Analysis on Environment Engineering and Forecast on Patent Application

Chapter III    PCT Applications

1. Receiving and Handling of PCT International Applications
2. PCT International Searching
3. PCT International Preliminary Examination
4. PCT International Applications Entering the Designated and Elected Office

Chapter IV    Applications, Registrations and Publications of Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits

Chapter V    Reexamination and Invalidation

1. Requests for Reexamination and Cases Resolved   
2.Requests for Invalidation and Consequent Cases Resolved
3. Patent Administrative Litigation

Chapter VI    Patent Administration

1. Intellectual Property System Model Zones 
2. Research on Patent Strategies
3. Patent Administration Work Related to Other Ministries and Commissions
4. Patent Pilot Work among Enterprises and Institutes in the Whole Country
5. Promoting the Model Projects of the Industrialization of Patented Technologies and the Pilot Work of the National Project on Industrialization of Patents
6. Patent Administration on Domestic Markets
7. National Patent Exhibitions
8. Patent Pilot Work of Cities
9. Branches of Patent Applications

Chapter VII    Legal Affairs

1. The Formulation and Checking-up of Regulations
2. Improvement of Patent Administrative Enforcement Regulations, Documents and Mechanisms
3. Administration of Patent Agencies
4. Administrative Reconsideration

Chapter VIII    Patent Administrative Enforcement

Chapter IX    Publicity, Training and Academic Activities

1. Publicity
2. Training
3. Academic Activities

Chapter X    Automation

1. Electronic Application System
2. Chinese Patent Management System (CPMS III)
3. Examination Supporting System
4. Electronic Filing System
5. Electronic Publication System
6. The Construction of Search Systems and Databases
7. Video Interview System
8. Other Systems
9. Automation Work in the New Building for Patent Examination
10. System Management Program
11. Upgrading the EPOQUE and JAVA System
12. Further Optimizing the Allocation of the Intranet
13. Standardization
14. Daily Maintenance and Renewal of Equipment

Chapter XI    Patent Documentation Service and Intellectual Property Publications

1. Patent Documentation Service
2. Intellectual Property Publications

Chapter XII    International Cooperation

1. Coordination of Foreign-related Intellectual Property Issues
2. Multilateral Cooperation
3. Bilateral Cooperation
4. Others

Chapter XIII    Statistics
