Premier Zhu Rongji Puts Forward Requirements for Intellectual Property Work

At the 10th Meeting of the State Leading Group For Science, Technology and Education

The tenth meeting of the State Leading Group for Science, Technology and Education was convened on December 28, 2001. Premier Zhu Rongji chaired the session and made some important remarks.

Premier Zhu stressed in his speech that with the implementation of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO), China must actively implement the patent strategies, accelerate the approval process of patent rights, and increase the quantity and improve the quality of China's original inventions so as to enhance its competitiveness in science, technology and economy. He said that the administration of intellectual property must be reinforced, and concrete measures and plans should be drafted in a timely manner to increase our competitiveness in independently owned intellectual property rights.
